Things That You Might Not Know About Megalodon

 Although we have heard and read about so many oceanic fishes and sharks, there are certain species that get talked about the most. For instance, you must have watched movies, read books,  or heard about Megalodon shark. It is one of the most popular sharks in the world. Although it went extinct many millions of years ago, people still talk about it because scientists keep finding new information about it every one or two years. Its tooth, for example, is one of the most highly sought after fossil in the market. Fossil collectors are often willing to pay huge amounts of money to add Megalodon tooth to their collection. In this blog, we will tell you Megalodon tooth and Megalodon facts. Let’s get started.

Megalodon And Large Tooth Are Synonymous 

Many people do not know that large tooth and Megalodon mean the same thing. Their tooth were special because they were massive. You will be surprised to know that they could grow up to seven inches long, which is astonishing. If you want, you can get 7inch Megalodon tooth online

It Was One of The Biggest Ocean Fish

It is essential for all of us to know that Megalodon did not just have the crown of being the biggest shark in the ocean, it was also the biggest fish in the ocean until its extinction. According to scientists, Megalodon could grow up to 60 feet long, which is really impressive.

It Did Not Look Like Giant Great White

People believe that Megalodon looked similar to great white shark, which is not true. This misunderstanding occurred when scientists though Megalodon and great white shark belonged to a common ancestor. Now, we know that Megalodon had a separate lineage.

As you can see, Megalodon was one of a kind shark. It was the biggest and the most unique shark of all times. If you are interested in purchasing its tooth, you can visit websites online that specialize in selling fossils of extinct animal species. Since fake fossils are also sold online, make sure you buy Megalodon tooth online from only well-established and known companies.


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