
Showing posts from July, 2022

A Few Unique Animal Fossils You Can Find In National Parks

 There are only a few things in life that behold the power to transport your imagination back in time in the way fossils can. From the ancient seas that existed long time time to the forest dinosaurs that once walked the face of earth, these prehistoric world come out to life when we look and observe fossils. Visit one of these national parks and take a trip back down the memory lane to witness the ancient world.  Many of you head to the popular Grand Canyon National Park just for the stunning views. However, one of the most remarkable secrets can be viewed on a much smaller scale. The canyon’s foundation was once at the bottom of the sea, which consists of the remains of ancient sea shells. The fully exposed rock strata of the canyon are brimming with fossilized sea creatures that are from the ancient times. If you are lucky, you may find stromatolites which can be traced back to 1200 million years.  Imagine someone found your naked footprints 200 million years after you...

Things That You Might Not Know About Megalodon

 Although we have heard and read about so many oceanic fishes and sharks, there are certain species that get talked about the most. For instance, you must have watched movies, read books,  or heard about Megalodon shark. It is one of the most popular sharks in the world. Although it went extinct many millions of years ago, people still talk about it because scientists keep finding new information about it every one or two years. Its tooth, for example, is one of the most highly sought after fossil in the market. Fossil collectors are often willing to pay huge amounts of money to add Megalodon tooth to their collection. In this blog, we will tell you Megalodon tooth and Megalodon facts. Let’s get started. Megalodon And Large Tooth Are Synonymous  Many people do not know that large tooth and Megalodon mean the same thing. Their tooth were special because they were massive. You will be surprised to know that they could grow up to seven inches long, which is astonishing. If y...

Things To Consider When Buying Fossil Remains

When you decide to be a full-time collector, it is necessary to know several methods to reach out to relic items from the past because a traditional gift store won't sell such items. Collecting fossils has been a passionate and lucrative business for people who have a taste for rare items. The problem is how to buy authentic fossils at an affordable rate. When shopping for the world's biggest megalodon tooth , don't forget to consider the following. Types of fossil Fossils occur in various forms and patterns once animal remains decay and are buried under the earth's crust over time. There is a specific principle of gathering and crystallizing calcium carbon in limestone, and the shell and bones of animals become exoskeletons. Meanwhile, softer parts of the animal body may go into the sediments and stay unharmed for millions of years. Some common fossils are mold with impression on the rock, cast inside the sediments, traces of footprints, and the true form of the specim...