Megalodon: Let’s Discuss The Reason For Its Popularity
Megalodon sharks existed millions of years ago. Its name surfaces quite often because it has been the largest shark ever discovered to prowl the oceans and falls in the list of one of the largest fish on record.
For people questioning how big a megalodon tooth is, Megalodon was explicitly known for its giant teeth, almost three times larger than the teeth of the modern great white shark. As a result, according to Britannica, the majority of the researchers believe that megalodons measured ranging between 33.5 and 59.7 feet in length, but some of them theorize it could have grown as long as 82 feet.
* Body Size
Experts suggest that fossils represent the most credible body size going up to around 60 feet, and there is every chance that slightly larger ones also existed. Therefore, it can be said that the Megalodons were even larger than the whale shark and over thrice as larger than the Great White Shark. However, the average size of a Megalodon stops at around 33 feet.
* Tooth Size
Its popularity is its tooth size, and it had the largest teeth of any shark. The largest teeth of a Megalodon have been observed as 7 inches, and however, the average size remains between e and 5 inches.
Now depending upon its tooth size and body size, experts suggested that it ate large fish, primarily whales. Common reasons for its extinction might have been:
* Changing Ocean Currents
* Loss of primary food source
* Whale migration into arctic water
However, whatever be the case, because of its giant size and large teeth, it is a subject of popularity among common people, primarily the enthusiasts. Online fossil-selling websites have seen a significant increase in the sale of Megalodons’ teeth due to their massive size.
People interested in buying Megalodon’s tooth no longer have to go into details; many credible websites offer Megalodon teeth for sale online. Therefore, make sure you connect with them if you seek to collect fossils.
Point To Note
Because Megalodon was the largest fish ever roamed in the ocean water, people love it, and therefore the sale of Megalodon fossils is seeing a tremendous increase today.
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