Rookie Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Fossil Collections
Nothing can stop you from taking home one more piece of prehistoric animals as the zeal of adoring fossil remains continues to grow inside you. At first, you think that those rare items are in the safest place until their conditions begin to deter right under your nose. If you are a new collector, you could make several mistakes while preserving fossil remains. Watch out for the following rookie mistakes that can ruin the item. Unsuitable environment Some people think that a fossil found in an extremely hot area can survive high-level temperatures. Contrary to their belief, a room with a hot environment is bad for fossil remains because such a temperature can cause deterioration due to aging. Keep in mind that those bones and teeth used to be part of living beings, and they are prone to crack and damage. Meanwhile, high humidity can develop mold and fungus on the structure of minerals. Set a room temperature of between 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit to store the collections. Poor st...