Megalodon Shark: Things You Need To Know About This Ocean Dwelling Predator
If you have an interest in the ocean’s life, you probably know that Megalodon sharks are known to be the largest sharks ever dwelled in the sea. Though these predators are now extinct, people are keen to learn more about them. Since these sharks went extinct about 3.6 million years ago, the only way to know about them is by examining their fossilized teeth. But finding a megalodon tooth is not like strolling at the beach. Fossil collectors have to explore the marine deposits and rock formations of the Miocene and Pliocene age. So far, we know little about these predators with sharp, pointed teeth. Megalodon sharks were about 60 feet long Studies show Megalodon sharks grew up to 60 ft long on average. But some research estimates that they may have grown more than 80 ft, which is more than three times the size of great white sharks. Female Magalodons might have more body mass and longer length than male sharks. Megalodon sharks preyed on other sea creatures Paleontolo...