Cool Facts About Shark Tooth Jewelry You Didn’t Know About
Before you start investing your money into shark tooth jewelry, we urge you to brush up the facts. Are you someone who really thought that shark jewelry could prevent shark attacks? Do you know these exotic jewelries can actually keep you safe at the beach? In the blog post, we talk about some cool facts about shark tooth jewelry that you probably didn’t know. Shark teeth are not easy to come by. These creatures have been around for more than 400 million years. Even when most of their body part is cartilage and won’t fossilize, their teeth cam become fossils and stick around for a pretty long time. They commonly lose teeth and these get replaced multiple number of times. It can take more than 10,000 years for a lost tooth to transform into a fossil. As these teeth can be easily collected and found, you should be aware that no sharks can be harmed in the making of the jewelry. Before these jewelries became a fashion statement, these teeth were used as a method of survival. Na...